Our local branch church is located at:
1430 W Delmar Ave, Godfrey, IL 62035
Sunday Services and Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday Testimony Meetings at 7:30 p.m.
Services are online and in person
You have the option of joining by computer, which will allow you to see others and to be seen if your computer has a camera. Both audio and video can be turned on or off when you join. Alternatively, you can join the services by telephone to listen and speak if testifying, but you will not have video.
To join by computer or smartphone with video: Simply click in this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6182147227?pwd=WklST3MxYStJeW9CcGZLd0U3NTVDQT09 (Note: If the link doesn’t work for any reason, try copying and pasting it into your browser.) If asked for a passcode: 1430
**If you are dialing in by phone, please use the new information below:** To join by telephone: Dial 312 626 6799 . Then when prompted to enter the meeting ID enter 618 214 7227# and again when prompted enter the passcode 1430#.
You are invited to explore this site in order to learn more about Christian Science resources in the Alton Illinois area. The menu links above will guide you to a good overview. To learn more about the world-wide movement that is Christian Science, you may also want to visit ChristianScience.com. The basic teachings of Christian Science can be found here.
Thank you for visiting! Enjoy the rest of the site!