Campership Fund info

The Campership Fund identifies, encourages, and financially assist individuals to attend the camp for Christian Scientists of their choice.

We strongly feel that finances should never prevent a child from being able to attend one of these camps.

Because we recognize that each camp is special and that each camper/family situation is unique, we support the individual camper rather than any particular camp. Parents/campers apply for assistance, explaining their family’s need. Our Board meets to prayerfully consider each application to help meet the needs of each family, so their children are able to attend camp.


you can give at:

2021 Mini Summit Event


2021 Mini Summit Event

The Mother Church is hosting an online Mini Summit event on April 17. 

Participants will gather together with peers from around the world who are interested in exploring how divine Love enables us to fulfill a higher purpose. This event is open to all seekers and thinkers who are university-age students, recent graduates, and high school juniors and seniors. 

The event will run from 2:00–4:00 p.m. EDT on Saturday, April 17, 2021. It will include a short Christian Science lecture and opportunities for discussions with peers.

Please feel free to share this information with anyone you know who might be interested.

Registration is free. The registration form, along with a schedule and more details, can be found here
Questions? Contact RebeccaClower at ext. 3416.

The Quest to Experience God. Valley Park, Missouri

Dear friends,

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Valley Park, Missouri, joyously invites you to an upcoming online lecture on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 7:00 pm entitled “The Quest to Experience God.”  In this timely and insightful talk, lecturer Giulia Nesi Tetreau offers a spiritual perspective on how to experience divine Love as a tangible, effective force for good in our lives.  For more information, please visit

To register, click on the link

Webinar – Intro to Writing for the Periodicals

Back by popular demand... Tracy!

Join us for an online workshop 

Loving God, our neighbor & ourselves…
an introduction to writing for the Christian Science periodicals

 Tracy will teach how to overcome obstacles, get started, and structure a piece.  Most importantly, she will speak on the metaphysics which

inspire us to write.

This talk includes an interactive workshop with an opportunity to start work on your own piece, a live editing demonstration and time for questions and answers. Private coaching will be available by

appointment after the workshop.  

Tracy has helped nearly 50 pieces get published.

Let her help you!

Please RSVP by February 13th.

All Broadview Webinars are on Pacific Time.

Questions? Contact Tracy at (323) 221-9174 ext.302

tracy@csbroadview.orgRSVP Now!

Our Contact Information

Broadview, Inc.

4570 Griffin Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90031

323-221-9174 ext. 309

Net Effect Returns This Friday with Special Guest Alex Cook!

Season Two of Net Effect Begins Friday, February 5 Join us for impactful stories to build your career!
Hello Friends,
Every other week, beginning Friday, February 5, ABF Career Alliance is bringing you conversations with valued members of our community.
In each 30-45 minute session, guests share impactful events from their own education and careers, and how they are in turn making a positive impact in the world. Through Net Effect conversations our guests offer insights that you can apply to your career right now.
February Net Effect Guests
Alex Cook, Muralist and Christian Musician, February 5 and John Gray, LinkedIn Expert, Start-up Consultant, February 19
More about Alex and John
We are excited to bring these conversations straight to you, to keep you inspired and driven. Since launching Net Effect in April 2020, we’ve sat down with artists, activists, educators, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, executives, coaches, authors, and more!
Register Now!
All events are available live through Zoom at 3p.m. PT every other Friday, and available for replay on our YouTube channel after that. (Note: If you already registered for Net Effect’s 2020 season, you are all set for the 2021 season–you do not need to register again! You will receive an email reminder one hour prior to the event.)
We also offer direct access to our guests through the ABF Career Alliance, giving you the ability to connect one-to-one with questions that can help you with the next step in your career!
Warmest regards,
Director of Career Alliance Programs

You are invited to an online workshop at Tenacre!

Dear Friends,
The Tenacre School of Christian Science Nursing warmly invites members of The Mother Church to attend our upcoming online workshop… “Christian Science Nurse” – A Manual By-Law for Every Member
Saturday, February 6, 9:00am-4:00pm EST Hosted online via Zoom This workshop explores the foundational ideas and qualities that find expression in Christian Science nursing, based on the Manual By-Law, “Christian Science Nurse” (Article VIII Sec. 31).
We would be grateful if you would share this message with your church members.
You can find the registration form here. Registrations are due by Monday, January 25.
As always, feel free to be in touch with any questions.
With Love,
Tina Bilhorn Director, Tenacre School of Christian Science Nursing Mobile: 609.480.6148 Office:  609.279.2394 Tenacre Foundation is a Christian Science nursing ministry expressing God, Love — our mission is to heal.

Merry Christmas from Clearview Home

“Pa rum pa pum pum Come they told me… A new born king to see… Our finest gifts we bring… To lay before the king…”
Thank you for sharing your gifts with Clearview Home. You have brought provision, joy, love, solicitude, generosity, and healing to lay before the babe of Christian healing.
We give thanks and extend a blessing to you, your families, and our dear branch church members who make Clearview Home possible.
From all of us at Clearview Home to your blessed home!
Gingerbread Houses We are decorated inside and out! The festive lights on our tree and the gumdrops on the gingerbread house remind us of the Christ’s bright and sweet promise to our world.
We are grateful to everyone who helped and especially to the children who giggled and squirmed with delight over their creations. The staff children and parents even made birdseed pine cones to hang outside for our feathered friends.
GivingTuesday Match continues Thank you to those who contributed on December 1st and gave $2,000 on that first day!
The goal is $12,000 by December 20th.
At this time, we have $7700 more to go. Your gift – large or small – makes a difference and sustains our healing mission. Double it today! Make a gift
Gumdrops and icing – oh, boy!
A winter village in our living room – kindly lent by our Head Cook
The funniest, sparkliest, and prettiest sweater contest winners (L to R: Jeff, Lynn, Patti and Kim tied for prettiest sweater)
Clearview Home, Inc. |
The Little Drummer Boy, words composed by Katherin K. Davis, Henry Onorati, & Harry Simeone. Legacy artwork by Elizabeth Varker.

Phillip Hockley’s Live Web Talk • Dec. 13

Glad tidings of good things are coming your way in a live web talk
A New View of God and its Effect on Well-being

Phillip Hockley, CS, will give the talk
Sunday, Dec. 13 at 2:00 pm (CST).

Divine Love erases suffering from our lives as naturally as sunrise banishes night.

Phillip says: “When most people think about life-changing moments, they may not think of a lecture on Christian Science. That wasn’t why I attended a lecture for the first time; I didn’t expect to walk out a new person. But I found something in that lecture that was indeed life-transforming.”

Your church members and friends are lovingly invited to this live talk hosted by the Christian Science churches in Glen Ellyn, Hinsdale and Elmhurst, Illinois. Please feel free to forward this email on to others.

You can watch a brief introductory video and register for the talk by clicking the button below. Video Preview Please let your members know!
If you have any questions just email
Copyright © 2020 First Church of Christ, Scientist, Glen Ellyn, All rights reserved.
Information for you.

Our mailing address is:
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Glen Ellyn600 N Main StGlen Ellyn, IL 60137-4024

Good News From Houston Visiting Christian Science Nurse Service

Our mission is to heal through practical,
operative Christian Science December 2020
Click Here For A Print-Friendly Version Christmas: The Gift of Love

In What Christmas Means To Me—And Other Christmas Messages, Mary Baker Eddy lovingly wrote: The last appearing of Truth will be a wholly spiritual idea of God and of man, without the fetters of the flesh, or corporeality. This infinite idea of infinity will be, is, as eternal as its divine Principle. The daystar of this appearing is the light of Christian Science—the Science which rends the veil of the flesh from top to bottom. The light of this revelation leaves nothing that is material; neither darkness, doubt, disease, nor death. The material corporeality disappears; and individual spirituality, perfect and eternal, appears—never to disappear (p. 21). What a precious gift this Science of the incorporeal Christ is for each of us—and for the world!

At Christmas, we feel special reverence for Christ Jesus and our hearts embrace all mankind in generous love. Our affection during this holiday hints at God’s ceaseless — season-less! — love for all of His children.

Speaking of year-round love, we at HVCSNS are aware that God’s solicitude is constantly evidenced in the tender care with which Christian Science nurses minister to their charges. We need no further proof of their gentle love than the following paean of praise written by an appreciative Houston-area family to our Journal-listed Christian Science nurse, Susie Petersen. Though lightly edited, the words are authentic:

To whom it may concern,

Our family wants to express our gratitude to the Houston Visiting Christian Science Nurses. We would especially like to highlight the outstanding work of and the blessings we have received from Susie Petersen. We have a family member who has been receiving the assistance of Christian Science nursing since December 2018, so we have had experience with many different caregivers over the past two years.

Susie stands out as truly exceptional amongst all the caregivers. Her skills are deep and diverse. They include helping a difficult patient prepare for a three-hour journey, aiding in showering and personal grooming, and styling her hair beautifully. Although the practical needs vary, Susie’s approach never varies. Whatever she does is done with love, care, and patience.

What I most value in Susie is her understanding and practice of Christian Science. On many occasions I have spoken with Susie about practical nursing advice. During these discussions, I am grateful to come to know Susie’s clear understanding of man as God’s expression. It is such a help to me that Susie sees my family member correctly; namely, she doesn’t see a mortal patient, but God’s spiritual idea.

When I think of Susie’s nursing, I’m reminded of Mary Baker Eddy’s statement about Christ Jesus in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, where she writes: “The divine nature was best expressed in Christ Jesus, who threw upon mortals the truer reflection of God and lifted their lives higher than their poor thought-models would allow, — thoughts which presented man as fallen, sick, sinning, and dying” (259:6).

Susie has — on every occasion — exhibited the above sentence in her practical nursing. She lifts her patient’s thought because she always comes prepared for a case with the highest standards of what it means to be a Christian Science nurse.

A grateful family*

*The family has given permission for us to publish their letter without a signature. Coming Attractions Look for the Christian Science Nurse Scope of Services in the January 2021 newsletter. This document itemizes the types of care that Christian Science nursing includes as well as services that Christian Science nursing care does not include. Meet the Board Dave Daniels, President – Ninth Church
Sue Merrill, Vice President – Bellaire Church
Salomon Ngalamulume, Treasurer – Seventh Church
Linda Lindeman, Corresponding Secretary – Fourth Church
Susan Clay, Recording Secretary – Seventh Church
Lynne Clark – The Woodlands Church
Grace Duffy – First Church, Durango, CO We would welcome a board presence from churches not currently represented.
Our office is your home – providing care in the comfort of your residence.
Thank you for your support.

All rights reserved.