Webinar – Intro to Writing for the Periodicals

Back by popular demand... Tracy!

Join us for an online workshop 

Loving God, our neighbor & ourselves…
an introduction to writing for the Christian Science periodicals

 Tracy will teach how to overcome obstacles, get started, and structure a piece.  Most importantly, she will speak on the metaphysics which

inspire us to write.

This talk includes an interactive workshop with an opportunity to start work on your own piece, a live editing demonstration and time for questions and answers. Private coaching will be available by

appointment after the workshop.  

Tracy has helped nearly 50 pieces get published.

Let her help you!

Please RSVP by February 13th.

All Broadview Webinars are on Pacific Time.

Questions? Contact Tracy at (323) 221-9174 ext.302

tracy@csbroadview.orgRSVP Now!

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Broadview, Inc.

4570 Griffin Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90031

323-221-9174 ext. 309


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