update from Sunrise of Africa School

Dear Friends
“Hurrah!” A shout from the happy 4th and 8th graders. “We are back at School!” And more classes to follow….

The Management have been very busy these last months streamlining administrative and accounting processes. We have a fantastic new bus and a new deep borehole which provides water for our children, and also for our School farm. We are most grateful to kind donors for these.
We are happy to share with you our film of our 2019 Open Day.  Enjoy the happy enthusiasm of our Sunrise children! We also attach comments here from some of our students who read parts of the books: “We Knew Mary Baker Eddy.”
We are most grateful to our resigning Australian Representatives, Sholto Bowen and Merilyn Hart, for faithfully assisting us tremendously over the years! We now welcome Robin Clarke and  Linda Pooler, our new Australian Representatives, to our Sunrise family! 
We regret that Catalina McIsaac sadly has resigned as our USA Treasurer, explaining that “circumstances have dictated that I step down, but I have great respect for what you are doing for the children in Kenya. Thank you for all you do.”  We thank Catalina for everything she has done for Sunrise.

We have one of our wonderful board members, Tom Creighton, covering the treasurer position while we look for another person to fill this role. Do you know anyone who would like to work in this very fulfilling position? If so, please reply to this email with your interest. It is not much work as Michelle is handling all  the PayPal donations, which is the most usual form of donations from Churches and individuals. The USA Treasurer’s work includes mainly a) the receiving of a few transfers and cheques; b) the handling of the Sunrise of Africa School Charitable Foundation Inc Bank account; c) the few bank transfers to Sunrise in Kenya, and d) the signing of a few annual  IRS forms prepared by our Sunrise tax consultant, Ms Debbie Henderson. It is rewarding work to be part of the warm and welcoming world-wide Sunrise family. Our former Treasurer, Lizabeth McKibben, fell in love with our beautiful, joyful and charming Sunrise children!
If you would like to donate to this great cause, to help us with our ongoing costs to educate our beautiful children, please do so via our Not-for-Profit 501c3, Sunrise of Africa School Charitable Foundation, or via our Sunrise bank accounts in various parts of the world. All details are on our website here:  https://www.sunriseofafrica.com/donate/. We are looking forward to a great year in 2021. Thank you so much.

We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

With love and blessings,
Corinne, Samuel and Michelle                                                       
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